
AnwarIbrahimhasservedasPrimeMinisterlongerthanthreeoffivePMsinthelastsixyearsandheadedtobeoneofthethreelongestoftenPrimeMinisters ...,LimKitSiang,aMemberofParliamentsince1969,isoneofthemostseniorpoliticiansinMalaysia.AmemberoftheDemocraticActionParty(DAP),LimKit ...,LimKitSiang(Chinese:林吉祥;pinyin:LínJíxiáng;Pe̍h-ōe-jī:LîmKiat-siâng;born20February1941)isaretiredMalaysianpolitician.Earlylifea...

Lim Kit Siang

Anwar Ibrahim has served as Prime Minister longer than three of five PMs in the last six years and headed to be one of the three longest of ten Prime Ministers ...

Biodata of Lim Kit Siang

Lim Kit Siang, a Member of Parliament since 1969, is one of the most senior politicians in Malaysia. A member of the Democratic Action Party (DAP), Lim Kit ...

Lim Kit Siang

Lim Kit Siang (Chinese: 林吉祥; pinyin: Lín Jíxiáng; Pe̍h-ōe-jī: Lîm Kiat-siâng; born 20 February 1941) is a retired Malaysian politician. Early life and education · Political career · Election results · Timeline

Lim Kit Siang: Defying the Odds

書名:Lim Kit Siang: Defying the Odds,語言:英文,ISBN:9789814516259,作者:Beng, Ooi Kee,出版日期:2015/09/07,類別:人文社科.

Lim Kit Siang (林吉祥)

Lim Kit Siang (林吉祥) 。 394629 個讚 · 26 人正在談論這個。

Kit Siang comes to Teresa's defence over probe into former aides

1 天前 · PETALING JAYA: DAP stalwart Lim Kit Siang came to the defence of party vice-president Teresa Kok today, after she raised concerns over her ...

Lim Kit Siang(@limkitsiang)• Instagram 相片與影片

6977 位粉絲、 1 人追蹤中、 31 則貼文- Instagram 上的Lim Kit Siang (@limkitsiang):「 Ahli Parlimen Iskandar Puteri ...

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The Official Site of Lim Kit Siang, the blog for Malaysia.

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The next three to four years will decide whether Malaysia will rise again to become a global role model and a great world-class nation.